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45L Tax Credit

The 45L tax credit is a $2000 tax credit that is available to all builders on each home that they build. With today’s code standards the majority of builders are meeting the requirements of the tax credit by default. Last year JB’s Home Energy distributed over 3 million dollars in tax credits to our clients. Every single builder who builds to code standards should be able to get this tax credit.


Gas and Electrical Company rebates – Almost every gas and electric company offers rebates back to new home construction builders for the energy efficient items that they put into their home. JB’s Home Energy specializes in getting these rebates back for builders from the utility companies and handling all the paperwork that goes with them. The builder simply builds the home and collects a check from the utility company upon completion.

Home Energy Audit

Home energy audits are typically done on new residential construction to identify hidden problems, help protect the environment, improve building durability, and save money on utility cost.

Manual J D S

HVAC Manual J, D, & S calculations have become part of the residential International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and the mechanical code in most parts of the country. These calculations lay out the HVAC in the home and how much air they are suppose to be producing. Become more efficient and have your Energy Specialist model your home!

Duct-EZ HVAC Seal

Duct-EZ is a revolutionary product that seals all heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) duct work including the air handler. No more duct tape! Using our product, we guarantee the system to meet Energy Star requirements.

Thermal By-Pass Inspections

Pre drywall inspections are done to ensure that everything in the home is meeting code and verified from the plan submission. This service insures that insulation is installed at grade 1 level per manufacturer specifications. This also helps to ensure that any problems that would cause a blower door or duct leakage test to fail are addressed and fixed.

Air Infiltration Sealing

Reducing the amount of air that leaks in and out of homes is a cost effective way to cut heating and cooling costs, improve durability, increase comfort, and create a healthier indoor environment.

Blower Door & Duct Blaster

A blower door and duct blaster test is required on every new home in the state in order to get a occupancy permit. The best time to do a blower door test is once the carpet in the home has been laid and the thermal envelope is sealed. This test ensures that the air leakage in the home and duct system is at an acceptable level for code requirements.

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Home Energy Audits

Discover Home Efficiency

Our knowledgeable and fully trained staff will test your new home construction with the latest technology and the best home energy inspection tools. We offer excellent service and a wide range of high technology and innovative solutions.